Levy DF, Entrup JL, Schneck SM, Onuscheck CF, Rahman M, Casilio M, Willey E, Kasdan A, Yen M, Brito A, Kam W, Davis LT, de Riesthal M, Kirshner HS, Wilson SM. Multivariate lesion symptom mapping for predicting trajectories of recovery from aphasia. In revisions.
Philips M, Schneck SM, Levy DF, Wilson SM. Modality-specificity of linguistic and non-linguistic demand. In revisions.
Levy DF, Silva AB, Scott TL, Liu J, Harper S, Zhao L, Hullet P, Kurteff G, Wilson SM, Leonard M, Chang EF. Apraxia of speech with phonological alexia and agraphia following resection of the left middle precentral gyrus: An illustrative case. Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons, 2023. [pdf]
Brito AC, Levy DF, Schneck SM, Entrup JL, Onuscheck CF, Casilio M, de Riesthal M, Davis LT, Wilson SM. Leukoaraiosis is not associated with recovery from aphasia in the first year after stroke. Neurobiology of Language, 2023. [pdf]
Silva A, Liu J, Zhao L, Levy DF, Scott T, Chang EF. A neurosurgical functional dissection of the middle precentral gyrus during speech production. Journal of Neuroscience, 2022; 42:8416-8426.
Andrews JP, Cahn N, Speidel B, Chung J, Levy DF, Wilson SM, Berger MS, Chang EF. Dissociation of Broca’s Area from Broca’s Aphasia in patients undergoing neurosurgical resections. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2022. [pdf]
Levy DF, Kasdan A, Bryan KM, Wilson SM, de Riesthal M, Herrington DP. Designing and implementing a community aphasia group: An illustrative case study of The Aphasia Group of Middle Tennessee. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2022. [pdf]
Wilson SM, Entrup JL, Schneck S, Onuscheck C, Levy DF, Rahman M, Willey E, Casilio M, Yen M, Brito A, Kim W, Davis LT, de Riesthal M, Kirshner H. Recovery from aphasia in the first year after stroke. Brain, 2022. [pdf]
Solomon EA, Sperling MR, Sharan AD, Wanda PA, Levy DF, Lyalenko A, Pedisich IM, Rizzuto DS, Kahana MJ. Theta-burst stimulation entrains frequency-specific oscillatory responses. Brain Stimul 2021; 14:1271-84. [pdf]
Levy DF, Wilson SM. Categorical encoding of vowels in primary auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex 2020; 30:618-27. [pdf]
Fisher JM, Dick FK, Levy DF, Wilson SM. Neural representation of vowel formants in tonotopic auditory cortex. NeuroImage 2018; 178:574–82. [pdf]
Ezzyat Y, Wanda PA, Levy DF, Kadel A, Aka A, Pedisich I, et al. Closed-loop stimulation of temporal cortex rescues functional networks and improves memory. Nat Commun 2018; 9:1–8. [pdf]
Ezzyat Y, Kragel JE, Burke JF, Levy DF, Lyalenko A, Wanda P, et al. Direct brain stimulation modulates encoding states and memory performance in humans. Curr Biol 2017; 27:1251–8. [pdf]
Ramayya AG, Pedisich I, Levy DF, Lyalenko A, Wanda P, Rizzuto D, et al. Proximity of substantia nigra microstimulation to putative GABAergic neurons predicts modulation of human reinforcement learning. Front Hum Neurosci 2017; 11:200. [pdf]
Levy DF, Leonard M, Hullett P, Andrews J, Wilson SM, Berger M, Chang EF. Resection of putative “Wernicke’s area” is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause “Wernicke’s aphasia” in a neurosurgical population [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2022 Oct 6-8; Philadelphia, PA.
Casilio M, Entrup JL, Schneck SM, Onuscheck CF, Levy DF, Rahman M, de Riesthal M, Wilson SM. Preliminary neural correlates of connected speech features in acute post-stroke aphasia using an auditory-perceptual approach [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2022 Oct 6-8; Philadelphia, PA.
Schneck SM, Entrup JL, Onuscheck CF, Levy DF, Yen M, Eriksson DK, Rahman M, Davis LT, de Riesthal M, Kirshner HS, Wilson SM. Left posterior temporal cortex is the most critical brain region for recovery from aphasia [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2022 Oct 6-8; Philadelphia, PA.
Wilson SM, Entrup JL, Schneck SM, Onuscheck CF, Levy DF, Rahman M, Willey E, Casilio M, Yen M, Brito A, Kam W, Davis LT, de Riesthal M, Kirshner H. Recovery from aphasia in the first year after stroke [Poster]. Clinical Aphasiology Conference; 2022 May 17-21; Wrightsville Beach, NC.
Schneck SM, Entrup JL, Onuscheck CF, Levy DF, Yen M, Eriksson DK, Rahman M, Davis LT, de Riesthal M, Kirshner H, Wilson SM. Reorganization patterns in chronic post-stroke aphasia [Poster]. Clinical Aphasiology Conference; 2022 May 17-21; Wrightsville Beach, NC.
Casilio M, Entrup JL, Kasdan A, Schneck SM, Levy DF, Crouch KJ, Wilson SM. A case of “pure sentence deafness” [Poster]. Clinical Aphasiology Conference; 2022 May 17-21; Wrightsville Beach, NC.
Levy DF, Entrup JL, Schneck SM, Onuscheck C, Rahman M, Wilson SM. Predicting trajectories of recovery from aphasia [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2020 October 21-23; Virtual.
Entrup JL, Schneck SM, Onuscheck C, Rahman M, Levy DF, Davis LT, Kam W, Rahman M, Willey E, Burchfield A, de Riesthal M, Kirshner HS, Wilson SM. The practicalities of implementing a longitudinal study of recovery from aphasia [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2020 October 21-23; Virtual.
Levy DF, Wilson SM. A comparison of three vector space models of word meaning for mapping the semantic system [Poster]. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society; 2020 May 2-5; Virtual.
Levy DF, Wilson SM. Neural representation of phonemic categories in tonotopic auditory cortex [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2018 Aug 16-18; Quebec, QC.
Selected for and presented in SNL Poster Slam
Also presented at: Vanderbilt Brain Institute Annual Retreat; 2019 Sep 26; Nashville, TN. & Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center Combined Poster Session; 2019 April 3; Nashville, TN.
Lucanie JM, Schneck SM, Eriksson DK, Yen M, Levy DF, Quillen IA, Kam W, Davis LT, Kirshner HS, de Riesthal M, Wilson SM. Neurofunctional correlates of overall language function in aphasia [Poster]. Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language; 2018 Aug 16-18; Quebec, QC.
Levy DF, Pelli D. Perception is sticky: How we see what “isn’t” there [Poster]. New York University Undergraduate Research Conference; 2014 April 25; New York, NY.